Wondering how as a Gateway Travel Agent you will store your client information, communication, bookings, client trip payments, and track your commissions? We are excited to walk you through our CRM (Client Relationship Management) features that are included in ALL of our commission packages for FREE.
Our CRM is extensive so today, let's focus on the foundation of all Great CRMs, the client or customer tracking. Each Gateway Travel Agent will receive their own unique logon and password for their CRM. The information you input into your personal CRM only you will have access to, no one else.
You will be able to enter each new potential travel client, family member, or friend into your personal CRM as a "Lead Client".
What is a Lead Client? Your lead client would be the guest you mainly book reservations under. Once your "New Client" is created you will be able to unlock several features of the CRM.
Add Family Members: Track family members legal names, dates of birth, passport information and expiration dates so you can easily confirm travel companion information with your client. Nothing makes you stand out to your clients like knowing details about them and their loved ones! We want to help you give your clients the VIP treatment when booking their trips!
Track Task: As a Travel Agent, it can seem like you have an unending list of to-do's for each of your clients. With Gateway Travel CRM, you can set up task reminders and view these task on a client level or view all task to be completed for all your clients in a calendar view. Remembering all the little details will set you apart and keep your clients coming back for exceptional service.
Track Communication: We all know communication is key and tracking E-mails, text, phone calls, and face to face client meetings is important to ensure all communication for upcoming travel plans or travel quotes have been shared. There can be times we think we communicated with our clients but just can't be sure - Gateway Travel's CRM will allow you to input all pertinent Agent/Client communication so you have a trackable history for each of your clients.
Submit New Bookings: When you book a new trip for your client you will enter that new booking into your personal CRM. When this new booking is put into the system it will later be tied to the commission Gateway Travel receives and paid out to you as the agent. You will be able to track your bookings and commission status every step of the way within your personal CRM. Learn more about how a Travel Agent gets paid.

Track Current Travel Plans: Within each of your clients detail pages you will be able to view current travel plans as well as have access to a report view of all bookings inputed into the CRM. This is a great feature allowing our Gateway Travel Agents to followup on departing trips and send something special to their clients arriving home from their travel.
View Travel History: Viewing and tracking a Client's Travel History can be a great way to know when your clients typically travel. For example, if you can see your client takes a cruise every fall be sure to followup in the winter and see if your client would like quotes on this years fall cruises. The Travel History area will also allow you to view all of your paid commissions and past bookings.
Track Payment Information: Our CRM is one of the most secure systems on the market allowing you to input your clients preferred forms of payments and track payments you make for your clients. Again, knowing all these details allows your client to feel like a VIP when they book their travel with you!
We provide extensive training on operating and using the Gateway Travel CRM so no need to worry - we will be here to help YOU every step of the way!
At Gateway Travel, our top priority is serving our agents. Unlike other companies, we don't sell travel; we focus solely on providing exceptional support to our agents.
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