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Why Specialize?

When a client searches for someone to help them plan their vacation, they either have no idea how to plan their travel, or they are searching for cheap deals. As travel agents, we aren’t out here to snatch up “deal grabbers”. It takes too much time and effort, in the end, just to lose the sale to a big box company.

However, a question sometimes pops into our minds. “Should we stop grabbing everyone in sight so we can focus on a particular destination”? How difficult is it to stay on the forefront of knowing everything a supplier has to offer? For huge chains like Disney, who focus on a large scale, product-based travel, it takes most of your time. However, for a company like Sandals, who has one aspect to their travel, it may be easier to stay in touch with their resorts. Here are two quick reasons for why you should change to a smaller product list.

1. Expertise

It’s much easier on you, the agent, to focus on one set of suppliers, instead of stressing out your business life by knowing everything about travel. Taking steps to learn about a particular brand or destination each day will offer small bites to enjoy, instead of severe, overwhelming anxiety. To start, choose one destination and learn about it. Learn about the travel, to and from that destination. Learn about the quirks, the pros, the cons, the luxury, and price advantages or disadvantages. Learn 100% this destination has to offer, that you want to sell, so you become an expert in that niche.

2. Competitive Advantage

Secondly, you need a competitive advantage over your competition. This comes with being the best at a certain aspect of being a travel agent. Why not choose the aspect of knowledge? Choose knowing the most about a particular travel niche. One of my favorite examples is singing. I remember sitting in a pew at church when I was a child and being forced to listen to the choir. My father was in the choir. I would always sit and listen try to find his voice, but as a child I couldn’t pick it out. Even as an adult, I doubt I could hear it. It’s the same with business. Sometimes there is a lot of noise and you get lost. You are drowned out. When you focus on a niche market, you are singing a solo rather than singing in a choir. You are visible, able to be heard, and more attractive to your client, as long as you’re singing the right melody.

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